Tuesday, March 30, 2010


So recently our weather guys have been bragging over whats coming to us. We are hitting the 70's this week which is AWESOME!!!! Last time we had this great of weather was last fall around october. Today when I got in my car to go to work, it was so hot in there. I was like "hold on... its actually hot??!" I have not felt this kind of warmth for a long long time. So its officially grilling season. Get your pork chops, steaks, hot dogs, and burgers ready because I WILL BE THERE. If you havn't noticed I am a meat-a-tarrean, I don't like vegies all that much and don't eat really that many fruits. I however love my steaks and hotdogs. Can't wait till my dad dusts off the grill for some mean chicken! graaahhahhahahaha :P

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