Monday, January 25, 2010


Today at around 11am, i have been getting these great pains in my head. Yes, a headache, but this time it was so much worse. It HURT. I mean, so bad i was pulling my hair out. So I got home, took some tylenol and talked to my mom. She told me to call in to work and go to bed. So I did, and when I woke up I felt so much better, but not totally. So tonight ill get sleep and as tomorrow I will sleep some more.

The weather here just got worse. We had rain, which is over 32F, and today it froze over. Also to add on to it, snow and 40+mph winds. Gah. Driving was a bitch but I made it because of my sweet aerodynamic car. PFFT that puny thing.

anyways see you tomorrow giggles!

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