Tuesday, November 2, 2010

nick does valve time.. WUUUUUUT

yeah so pretty much that. since i can not compete with cp_manor_event i will delay my map until after halloween ends. So its something fresh and new. soz!

btw. 2 days of school left! woot

Monday, November 1, 2010

Whow whow whow. its like november already.

YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS! its almost december o.o

anyways, some pretty epic things are coming up. thursday is my last day of class for this quarter and things are looking good. wait by your phone also.

friday, new version of promotion comes out with its own neat webpage thingy. id give you the link but it would spoil things :(

THEN, 2 weeks off of school. HECK YES. then i got a drawing class :( i suck at drawing. oh well.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Things are winding up

So in the upcoming weeks expect some great things.

First off, I will be officially halfway done with college. I am so excited because well, honestly I thought I would never make it this far. Plus I will be going back to some old ways. I havn't forgotten.

Secondly, A new version of promotion is coming out soon and it includes many fixes and tweaks hopefully for your playing pleasure. If you would like to play the recent version, look no further. Here is the server list that plays it. Hopefully you click at the right time that its playing on a server.

In other words, work is going great, I still miss you Chad, my cat is awesome for being here for me on these cold, cold nights. OH YEAH! and it was the first snowfall of the season today :D! too bad the hurricane force winds and rain before that made it not stay or I would have some pictures up. ENOUGH OF THIS BLABERY.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

just so you know

im not afraid to talk to you, i just dont think its the right time right now since school is getting into its stressful state and finals are coming. so once schools over, get ready to get your world rocked.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


let you know i am still here. if you want to talk, go ahead, i am open words.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I just had the best 5 minute conversation with you since ever. I could really feel it even though you were scared. ♥ hope we can do it again sometime ♥